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The first contact with the wine consumer sets, watching his appearance. One look at the clothes of wine (it is the totality of visual impressions), which depends on the varieties used, gives a lot of information. Appearance of wine gives rise to an initial estimate. No matter what the color, the wine has to be clear, the color - uniform. Turbidity is a sign of the diseases of the wine should be abandoned. Exception of small insoluble crystals of tartaric acid, the so-called "Gravel" - sediment that occurs in some wines from hypothermia, though. it does not affect their quality. In order to test the clarity of wine glass should be placed in line between the eye and the light source, and the transparency of red wine on a white background is checked (cloth or paper), which should be slightly tilted glass.

Disc (the surface of wine in the glass) takes the shape of an ellipse and watching him give information about the age and conditions of storage of wine. After that evaluate the nuances of his color. Young wines should be transparent, but it is not always a necessary condition for the old quality wines.

Examples of vocabulary used to describe the visual analysis of wine.
Features: purple, garnet, ruby, violet, cherry, Peony.
Intensity: light, stable, rich, deep, intense.
Glint: matte, dull, sad, shining, sparkling.
Clarity and transparency: opaque, cloudy, foggy, clear, perfect.

A visual assessment of wine should pay attention to his reflections, or, as some say, sparkling. The wine, which has a glow, pleasant and lively, dim the wine is likely to sad ... Analysis of the appearance of wine concludes with an evaluation of color saturation. Do not confuse m tones and shades.

By visual analysis on the walls of the glass can also be the "legs" or "tears" - streaks formed on the walls of a glass of wine when the wine in it twist in order to get a better smell him. Legs testify to the saturation of wine alcohol: the brandy is always a leg, and the local wines - rarely.


Olfactory (olfactory) assessment - the second stage of wine tasting. Some odors immediately rejected such volatile acids (prokisanie, vinegar), the smell of cork oak bark (cork taste), but in most cases the flavor of wine - complex odors that exudes a glass - makes more and more experience.

Aromatic constituents are displayed according to their volatility. Is a kind of evaporation of wine, so the temperature is so important. If the wine is too cold, the flavors do not, if it is too warm - evaporation is too fast, combining oxidation, destruction of volatile flavors and identify unnatural heavy aromatic elements.

So, as they say
"nose" wine
, it is an endless stream of volatile flavors and they appear one by one, according to the temperature and the rate of oxidation of wine air.

Examples of vocabulary used to describe the olfactory analysis of wine floral violet, lime, jasmine, elder, acacia, iris. peony.
Fruit (fruit): raspberries, black currants, cherries, red currants. apricot, apple, banana, prunes.
Vegetation: grass, fern. moss and undergrowth, damp earth, chalk. various fungi. Spices: all sorts, from pepper to ginger, except cloves and nutmeg.
Balsamic: resin, pine turpentine.
Animals: meat, gamy meat, wild game, wild animal musk and fur.
Empiromaticheskie: he burned, roasted, fried bread, tobacco, dried straw and various shades torrefaktsii (coffee, etc.)

That is why the rotation of the glass when tasting so important. First made still smell the glass, then it rotates, the air produces its effect and appear different flavors.

Wine quality is directly related to the magnitude and complexity of its bouquet. In small wines, usually with little or no bunch: they are simple and monotonous, and they are easy to describe in one word. Great wines, by contrast, have a wide, deep and complex bouquet.

Vocabulary to describe the bouquet, is virtually unlimited, because this description can be based only on analogies. Repeatedly proposed various classification systems of odors, but for simplicity to remember such a generalizing character bouquet analogy, flower, fruit (fruit), vegetation (grass), spices, balsamic, wildlife, wooded (DRAUGHT) empiromatichesky (pertaining to the fire) and chemical. Learn more
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